Dmitriy has graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Faculty of Applied Mathematics. Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Doctor of Applied Mathematics at the Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse (France). Coordinator of the prospective neurobiological project Rybka Project. Also he has worked at the universities of Toulouse and Grenoble (France), University of Massachusetts and Harvard (USA).
Topic: Usage of Generative Adversarial Networks in Healthcare
Short Description: The word2vec (and, more generally, word embedding) approach is already well known for many people. It’s commonly applied to known natural languages. In this presentation we will see that’s happens if the language (or ‘language’) is unknown to anybody. We cannot decrypt the Voinich manuscript yet but word2vec can extract something interesting about it. Also we explore the language of DNA using the tool named BioVec, and finally we analyze records of neural activity.